Giovanni Battista Viotti (1755 – 1824)

Violin Concerto no. 22 a minor

with marked and unmarked string parts

G.B. Viotti: Violinkonzert Nr. 22 a-moll, VlOrch (KASt) (0)G.B. Viotti: Violinkonzert Nr. 22 a-moll, VlOrch (KASt) (1)G.B. Viotti: Violinkonzert Nr. 22 a-moll, VlOrch (KASt) (2)G.B. Viotti: Violinkonzert Nr. 22 a-moll, VlOrch (KASt) (3)G.B. Viotti: Violinkonzert Nr. 22 a-moll, VlOrch (KASt) (4)
Violin, orkester
Klaverutdrag, solostämma (urtext)
Författare / kompositör:
Redaktör :
78 sidor
Förlag / Tillverkare:
Tillverkarens nr.:
HN 1579


Giovanni Battista Viotti was a fascinating musical personality who lived at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. His training as a violin virtuoso was still in the traditions of the Corelli school, while his eventful life formed a bridge to the bourgeois music culture of the 19th century, with Paris and London the two most important centres for his career. His 29 violin concertos form the heart of his oeuvre, with no. 22 by far the most popular of them.

This Henle Urtext edition re-evaluates the first editions – no manuscript sources have come down to us – and offers a musical text free of all inauthentic additions. The edition has been scrutinised by violinist Friedemann Eichhorn, an expert in the virtuoso violin music of this period, who has also contributed fingerings and bowings.

This Urtext edition also contains a practical addition in the form of several cadenzas that have become part of the concerto’s performance history. The result is a unique, all-round package.

22,00  €
inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (Sverige)
lägg till i önskelistan
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