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H. Wagner: Das große Handbuch der Oper (BuHc)
Heinz Wagner

Das große Handbuch der Oper

Ein Wegweiser zum Inhalt von mehr als 3.00 Werken der Musikbühne. Das international umfassendste Nachschlagewerk der Oper
5. stark erweiterte Neuausgabe

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 460882

98,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
J.S. Bach: Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV) (BuHc)
Johann Sebastian Bach

Bach–Werke–Verzeichnis (BWV)

Thematic-Systematic Catalog of the Musical Works of Johann Sebastian Bach
Third, extended edition

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 1340693

504,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 4–9 arbetsdagar (se)
The Oxford Companion to Music (BuHc)

The Oxford Companion to Music

Oxford Companions

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 885479

62,60  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
The Oxford Handbook of Country Music (BuHc)

The Oxford Handbook of Country Music

Oxford Handbooks

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 769033

191,30  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
L. Harnsberger: Essential Dictionary of Composers (Bu)
L.C. Harnsberger

Essential Dictionary of Composers

Alfred Handy Guide


Artikelnr.: 468753

8,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
R. Girsberger: Percussion Assignments for Band an, Perc (Bu)
Russ Girsberger

Percussion Assignments for Band and Wind Ensemble 2

L – Z
Meredith Music Percussion

för: latin percussion


Artikelnr.: 461804

42,53  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 1–2 månade
Woordenboek voor de Blaasmuziek (Bu)

Dictionary of Windmusic

Dictionary Of Windmusic


Artikelnr.: 414109

28,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
J. Gillespie: Five Centuries of Keyboard Music, Tast (Bu)
John E. Gillespie

Five Centuries of Keyboard Music

Reprint of the first, 1965 edition

för: klaverinstrument

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 178359

50,59  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
H. Purcell: English Solo Song 4, Ges (Bu)
Henry Purcell

Michael Pilkington: English Solo Song Volume 4 - Purcell

English Solo Song Guides

för: Röst


Artikelnr.: 768165

13,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
Music in the USA (BuHc)

Music in the USA

A Documentary Companion

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 769137

198,30  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
The Encyclopedia of Country Music (BuHc)

The Encyclopedia of Country Music

The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
Second Edition

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 769032

69,55  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
The Oxford Handbook of the British Musical (BuHc)

The Oxford Handbook of the British Musical

Oxford Handbooks

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 768965

215,70  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
A.L. Thiessen: The ABCs of Women in Music (Lex)
Anneli Loepp Thiessen

The ABCs of Women in Music

Bok (lexikon)

Artikelnr.: 1561987

32,39  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
H. Haug: Bibliographie und Diskographie für Soloblasins (Bu)
Hermann O. Haug

Bibliography and Discography on Music for Solo Wind Instruments and Orchestra 1

Vol 1: Recorder, Flute

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 312169

51,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 4–9 arbetsdagar (se)
H. Haug: Bibliographie und Diskographie für Soloblasinstrume
Hermann O. Haug

Bibliography and Discography on Music for Solo Wind Instruments and Orchestra

3 Volumes in Slipcase

3 böcker

Artikelnr.: 140426

130,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
R. Girsberger: Percussion Assignments for Band an, Perc (Bu)
Russ Girsberger

Percussion Assignments for Band and Wind Ensemble 1

A – K
Meredith Music Percussion

för: latin percussion


Artikelnr.: 461803

42,53  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 1–2 månade
AQ: S. Primatic: Percussion instruments, Perc (Bu) (B-Ware)
med lätta användningsspår
Stephen Primatic

Percussion instruments

Purchasing, Maintenance, Troubleshooting and more
Meredith Music Resource

för: latin percussion


Artikelnr.: 1664523

21,67  € –55 %
9,75  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
AQ: H. Purcell: English Solo Song 4, Ges (Bu) (B-Ware)
med lätta användningsspår
Henry Purcell

Michael Pilkington: English Solo Song Volume 4 - Purcell

English Solo Song Guides

för: Röst


Artikelnr.: 1669554

12,99  € –55 %
5,85  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
N. Carnovale: 20th Century Music for Trumpet and O, Trp (Bu)
Norbert Carnovale, Paul Doerksen

20th Century Music for Trumpet and Orchestra

Brass Research Series 13
The Brass Press

för: trumpet

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 1671710

37,70  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
W. Rehrig: The Heritage Encyclopedia of Band Music III (Bu)
William Rehrig

The Heritage Encyclopedia of Band Music III


Artikelnr.: 1020306

113,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor (se)
K. Beres: The Pianist's Guide to Standard Teachin, Klav (Bu)
Karen Beres, Christopher Hahn

The Pianist's Guide to Standard Teaching and Performance Concertos

för: piano

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 796059

27,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
H. Haug: Bibliographie und Diskographie für Soloblasins (Bu)
Hermann O. Haug

Bibliography and Discography on Music for Solo Wind Instruments and Orchestra 2

Vol 2: Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone


Artikelnr.: 301048

72,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
The Cambridge Mozart Encyclopedia (Bu)

The Cambridge Mozart Encyclopedia

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 461069

62,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
J. Caldwell: The Oxford History of English Music 2 (BuHc)
John Caldwell

The Oxford History of English Music 2

c.1715 to the Present Day
Clarendon Press

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 870692

406,90  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Specialtillverkning. Leveranstid: 3–4 veckor
G. Johnson: A French Song Companion, Ges (Bu)
Graham Johnson, Richard Stokes

A French Song Companion

An indispensable guide to French song

för: Röst

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 769569

135,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
The Oxford Handbook of The American Musical (BuHc)

The Oxford Handbook of The American Musical

Oxford Handbooks

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 769111

226,10  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
F. Vester: Flötenmusik des 18. Jahrhunderts, Fl (BuHc)
Frans Vester

Flute music of the 18th century

an annotated bibliography
Musica Rara

för: flöjt

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 149679

89,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 4–9 arbetsdagar (se)
T.G. Everett: Annotated Guide to Bass Trombone Lit, Pos (Bu)
Thomas G. Everett

Annotated Guide to Bass Trombone Literature

Brass Research Series

för: trombon

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 1671605

57,20  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
R. Winther: An Annotated Guide to Wind Chamber Mu, Blas (Bu)
Rodney Winther

An Annotated Guide to Wind Chamber Music

For 6 to 18 Players
Donald Hunsberger Wind Library

för: blåsinstrument


Artikelnr.: 371338

54,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music (Bu)

Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 888184

75,15  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
The Cambridge Companion to Bruckner (Bu)

The Cambridge Companion to Bruckner

Cambridge Companions to Music

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 980538

39,90  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy (BuHc)

Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy

Oxford Handbooks

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 862526

229,60  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
N. Eidsheim: The Oxford Handbook of Voice Studie, Ges (BuHc)
Nina Eidsheim, Katherine Meizel

The Oxford Handbook of Voice Studies

Oxford Handbooks

för: Röst

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 778137

191,30  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology (BuHc)

The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology

Oxford Handbooks

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 769645

198,30  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
B. Coffin: Singer's Repertoire 1 (Bu)
Berton Coffin

Singer's Repertoire 1

Coloratura Soprano, Lyric Soprano and Dramatic Soprano

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 302905

75,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 1–2 månade
Blechblasinstrumente, 1Blech (Lex)

Brass Instruments

Dictionary in 3 languages

för: Brassinstrument

Bok (lexikon)

Artikelnr.: 562329

35,10  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
W.A. Mozart: Mozart - Catalogue of his Works (Bu)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Mozart – Catalogue of his Works

Compositions, Fragments, Sketches, Arrangements, Manuscript Copies, Texts

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 443790

31,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 4–9 arbetsdagar (se)
Antonín Dvorák - Thematisches Verzeichnis (BuHc)

Antonín Dvorák – Thematic catalogue

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 369403

191,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 4–9 arbetsdagar (se)
AQ: H.-M. Linde: The Recorder Player's H, Blfl (Bu) (B-Ware)
med lätta användningsspår
Hans-Martin Linde

The Recorder Player's Handbook

för: Blockflöjt

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 1861162

31,50  € –36 %
20,25  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
H.-M. Linde: The Recorder Player's Handbook, Blfl (Bu)
Hans-Martin Linde

The Recorder Player's Handbook

för: Blockflöjt

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 479788

31,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
C.V. Stanford: English Solo Song 5, Ges (Bu)
Charles Villiers Stanford, Charles Hubert H. Parry

English Solo Song 5

guides to the repertoire

för: Röst


Artikelnr.: 768167

18,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
P.I. Tschaikowsky: Tschaikowsky - Thematisches und bibl (Bu)
Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowsky

Thematic and Bibliographical Catalogue of P.I. Tchaikovsky`s Works

Prepared by the P. I. Tchaikowsky Scientific and Publishing Board
Petr Il'ic Cajkovskij – New Edition of Complete Works XII


Artikelnr.: 471737

245,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
F. Hauswirth: 1000 Selected Works for Wind Orc, Blaso (BuHc)
Felix Hauswirth

1000 Selected Works for Wind Orchestra and Wind Ensembles

9th revised edition

för: symfonisk blåsorkester

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 1785673

24,80  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor (se)
The Oxford Handbook of Music and Medievalism (BuHc)

The Oxford Handbook of Music and Medievalism

Oxford Handbooks

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 865079

215,70  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
F. Poulenc: The Music of Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) (BuHc)
Francis Poulenc

The Music of Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)

A Catalogue
Clarendon Press

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 870607

344,30  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
The Oxford Handbook of the New Cultural History of Mu (BuHc)

The Oxford Handbook of the New Cultural History of Music

Oxford Handbooks

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 871670

226,10  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
J. Caldwell: The Oxford History of English Music 1 (BuHc)
John Caldwell

The Oxford History of English Music 1

From the Beginnings to c.1715

Bok (inbunden)

Artikelnr.: 870951

128,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Specialtillverkning. Leveranstid: 3–4 veckor
Companion to Baroque Music (Bu)

Companion to Baroque Music

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 471704

98,80  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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