Naomi Yandell, Celia Cobb

Cool Beans – Violin Duets

21 character duets for pupil and teacher

N. Yandell: Cool Beans - Violin Duets, 2Vl (Sppa) (0)N. Yandell: Cool Beans - Violin Duets, 2Vl (Sppa) (1)N. Yandell: Cool Beans - Violin Duets, 2Vl (Sppa) (2)N. Yandell: Cool Beans - Violin Duets, 2Vl (Sppa) (3)
2 violiner
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"Cool Beans" is an eclectic mix of 21 character duets composed by Celia Cobb and Naomi Yandell. The pieces draw on a wide range of moods, styles and playing techniques, and young string players will enjoy exploring and performing them with their teachers.

The duets in Cool Beans are designed to encourage excellence in both technical and performance skills, as well as build confidence in ensemble playing from an early stage. Each book comes with a separate pupil’s part, for ease of reading, as well as a full score.


  • Simon Says
  • Marble Run
  • Mind the Gap
  • After the Storm
  • On the Go
  • Shut That Door!
  • Watch Out ( for the REALLY SCARY MONSTER)
  • Pedal Power
  • Shiver Me Timbers
  • Jiggery-Pokery
  • Lament
  • Matchday March
  • Tango Waltz
  • Cool Beans
  • Boat Song
  • Road Trip
  • Welly-Boot Hoedown
  • Los dos amigos
  • Mix It Up
  • Bark Double (with apologies to Johann Sebastian)
  • Museum Piece

Säkerhets- och produktresurser


Stainer & Bell Ltd, 23 Gruneisen Road, N3 1DZ London, GB,

Ansvarig person i EU

Stretta Music GmbH, Ochsenfurter Straße 6, 97246 Eibelstadt, DE,

20,80  €
inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
lägg till i önskelistan
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