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AQ: G. Davison: The Sound Reinforcement Handbo (Bu) (B-Ware)
med lätta användningsspår
Gary Davison, Ralph Jones

The Sound Reinforcement Handbook (Second Edition)

Covers all aspects of designing and using sound reinforcement systems for public address and musical performance.


Artikelnr.: 1666978

44,99  € –55 %
20,25  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
P.C. Alexander: Hip-Hop Production (BchAudionlin)
Prince Charles Alexander

Hip-Hop Production

Inside the Beats Includes Downloadable Audio for Production Practice!

Bok (med online-audio)

Artikelnr.: 1346539

31,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
Hal Leonard Recording Method (Bch)

Hal Leonard Recording Method

For Bands, Singer-Songwriters & More
Recording Instruction

Lärobok (med online-media)

Artikelnr.: 796622

18,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
C. Anderton: How to Apply Equalization (Bu)
Craig Anderton

How to Apply Equalization

Musicians Guide to Homercording


Artikelnr.: 680532

39,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
Abbey Road (Bu)
David Hepworth

Abbey Road

Die Geschichte des berühmtesten Musikstudios der Welt

Artikelnr.: 1697685

30,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
H.F. Olsen: Music, Physics and Engineering (Bu)
Harry F. Olsen

Music, Physics and Engineering

Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the production, reception and reproduction of sound

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 246495

26,39  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
Dust & Grooves (Bu)
Eilon Paz

Dust & Grooves

Adventures in Record Collecting

Artikelnr.: 1697898

52,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
Abbey Road (Bu)
David Hepworth

Abbey Road

The Inside Story of the World's Most Famous Recording Studio (with a foreword by Paul McCartney)

Artikelnr.: 1698845

14,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
AQ: C. Anderton: Home Recording for Musicians (Bch) (B-Ware)
med lätta användningsspår
Craig Anderton

Home Recording for Musicians

Music Sales America


Artikelnr.: 1658369

37,50  € –55 %
16,88  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
T. Hurwitz: Essential Book of Gear, E-Git (BchCD)
Tobias Hurwitz

Essential Book of Gear

The Serious Guitarist
A Comprehensive Guide to Guitars, Amps, and Effects for the Dedicated Guitarist

för: elgitarr

Lärobok, Audio-CD

Artikelnr.: 619043

27,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
J.M. Eargle: JBL Audio Engineering for Sound Reinforcem (Bu)
John M. Eargle, Chris Foreman

JBL Audio Engineering for Sound Reinforcement


Artikelnr.: 775483

61,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
D. Hunter: The British Amp Invasion, Git (Bu)
Dave Hunter

The British Amp Invasion

How Marshall, Hiwatt, Vox, and More Changed the Sound of Music

för: elgitarr [akustisk gitarr]


Artikelnr.: 669775

37,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
Recording Secrets for the Small Studio (Bu)
Mike Senior

Recording Secrets for the Small Studio

Artikelnr.: 1698880

54,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 1–2 månade
D. Beck: The Musician's Guide to Recording Voca, Ges (BchCD)
Dallan Beck

The Musician's Guide to Recording Vocals

Musicians Institute Private Lessons

för: Röst

Lärobok, Audio-CD

Artikelnr.: 301196

21,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
L. Levin: Drum Programming Basics, Drst (LbchCD)
Lee Levin

Drum Programming Basics

Ultimate Beginner Tech Start Series

för: trumset

Lärobok, CD

Artikelnr.: 416620

26,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
C. Anderton: How to Record and Mix Great Vocals (Bu)
Craig Anderton

How to Record and Mix Great Vocals

Musician's Guide to Home Recording


Artikelnr.: 681058

31,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
J. Johnson: Hal Leonard Recording Method (+Onl)
Jake Johnson

Hal Leonard Recording Method

For Hip-Hop, Pop, EDM, & More

Lärobok (med noter), online-media

Artikelnr.: 1653677

18,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
Vinyl World (Bu)
Thomas Hauffe, Markus Caspers

Vinyl World

Artikelnr.: 1699428

39,90  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
C. Haigh: Classical Recording (Bu)
Caroline Haigh, John Dunkerley, Mark Rogers

Classical Recording

A Practical Guide in the Decca Tradition

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 1862043

68,30  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 1–2 månade
D.M. Thompson: Understanding Audio (Bu)
Daniel M. Thompson

Understanding Audio

Getting the most out of your project or professional recording studio
Second Edition


Artikelnr.: 680481

61,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
Hi-Fi (Bu)
Gideon Schwartz


The History of High-End Audio Design

Artikelnr.: 1734759

84,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
C. Johnson: Mastering Explained (Bch+Onl)
Chad Johnson, Michael Costa

Mastering Explained

Working with In the Box Compression, EQ, and Other Tools to Create a Professional Sound

Lärobok, online-video

Artikelnr.: 767787

18,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
Es begann in der Abbey Road (Bu)
George Martin, Jeremy Hornsby

Es begann in der Abbey Road

Der geniale Produzent der Beatles erzählt

Artikelnr.: 1700247

27,00  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
Revolution (Bu)
Gideon Schwartz


The History of Turntable Design

Artikelnr.: 1735210

84,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
My Vinyl Collection (Bu)
Jenna Miles

My Vinyl Collection

How to Build, Maintain, and Experience a Music Collection in Analog

Artikelnr.: 1699076

14,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
C. Anderton: Sonar 3 - Mixing and Mastering (Bu+CDr)
Craig Anderton

Sonar 3 – Mixing and Mastering

Bok, CD-Rom

Artikelnr.: 369778

64,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
T. Alker: Practical Recording 7:  Reason (LbchCD)
Thomas Alker

Practical Recording 7: Reason

Practical Recording 7 is a step-by-step guide to getting the full potential from this first-choice music production system.
Practical Recording

Lärobok, CD

Artikelnr.: 327927

26,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
Guerrilla Home Recording (2Nd Edition)

Guerrilla Home Recording (2Nd Edition)



Artikelnr.: 487926

37,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
A. Schmitt: Al Schmitt on Vocal and Instrumental Record (Bu)
Al Schmitt

Al Schmitt on Vocal and Instrumental Recording

METAlliance Academy

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 687300

39,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
Handbook for Sound Engineers (Bu)
Glen M. Ballou

Handbook for Sound Engineers

Artikelnr.: 1700152

231,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
P. White: Crash Course: Home Recording (Bu)
Paul White

Crash Course: Home Recording

An eight week program to take you from novice to studio expert as quickly and comprehensively as possible


Artikelnr.: 153663

19,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
Making The Ultimate Demo

Making The Ultimate Demo


Artikelnr.: 124735

24,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
Mccarthy John: How To MIC A Band For Ultimate Li, Band (DVD)
Mccarthy John

How To MIC A Band For Ultimate Live Sound - DVD

Tips Techniques & Expert Advice
Rock House Method

för: rockband

DVD (utbildningsvideo)

Artikelnr.: 292961

22,10  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
B. Gibson: Sound Advice on Mastering (Bu+CD)
Bill Gibson

Sound Advice on Mastering

Instant Pro Series

Bok, CD

Artikelnr.: 344486

20,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
K. Pedersen: The Recording, Mixing, and Mastering Refer (Bu)
Karl Pedersen, Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard

The Recording, Mixing, and Mastering Reference Handbook

Reference Handbook (Paperback)

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 863171

41,75  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
C. Anderton: Microphones (Bu)
Craig Anderton, Phil O'Keefe


for the Recording Musician
Musician's Guide To Home Recording


Artikelnr.: 682667

32,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
T. Dittmar: Audio Engineering 101 - 2nd Edition (Bch)
Tim Dittmar

Audio Engineering 101 – 2nd Edition

A Beginner's Guide to Music Production

Lärobok (med online-media)

Artikelnr.: 1653898

54,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
H. Jones: Music Technology 101 (Bch)
Heath Jones

Music Technology 101

The Basics of Music Production in the Technology Lab or Home Studio
General Music

Lärobok (med online-media)

Artikelnr.: 796214

20,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
AQ: C. Anderton: How to Apply Equalization (Bu) (B-Ware)
med lätta användningsspår
Craig Anderton

How to Apply Equalization

Musicians Guide to Homercording


Artikelnr.: 1667254

37,50  € –55 %
16,88  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
B. Gibson: Sound advice on developing your home stud (Bu+CD)
Bill Gibson

Sound advice on developing your home studio

InstantPro series

Bok, CD

Artikelnr.: 156443

19,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
Artificial Intelligence and Music Ecosystem (Bu)

Artificial Intelligence and Music Ecosystem

Artikelnr.: 1735194

50,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
A. St. James: 101 Recording Tips (Bu+CD)


Adam St. James

101 Recording Tips

This book contains tips, suggestions, advice, and other useful information garnered through a lifetime of home and pro studio recording adventures.
101 Tips

Bok, CD

Artikelnr.: 169864

18,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
B. Gibson: Sound Advice on Mixing (LbchCD)
Bill Gibson

Sound Advice on Mixing

Instant Pro Series

Lärobok, CD

Artikelnr.: 163029

17,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
Working Class Audio 1 (Bch)

Working Class Audio 1

Navigating the World of Recording with a Working Class Perspective
Music Pro Guide

Lärobok (med online-media)

Artikelnr.: 695261

25,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
V. Clement: The Complete Studio Guitarist, Git (LbchCD)

Track 05

Vivian Clement

The Complete Studio Guitarist

The Guitarist's Guide to Session Work and Home Recording

för: gitarr

Lärobok, CD

Artikelnr.: 374729

26,95  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 2–3 veckor
AQ: Music Production Grade 1 (BchOnl) (B-Ware)
med lätta användningsspår

Music Production Grade 1

Coursework Edition

Lärobok (med online-audio)

Artikelnr.: 1678009

22,99  € –55 %
10,35  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
Sound Man (Bu)
Glyn Johns

Sound Man

A Life Recording Hits with the Rolling Stones, the Who, Led Zeppelin, the Eagles, Eric Clapton, the Faces...

Artikelnr.: 1697896

19,50  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
I lager. Leveranstid: 3–8 arbetsdagar (se)
P. White: The Sound On Sound Book of Desktop Digital St (Bu)
Paul White

The Sound On Sound Book of Desktop Digital Studio Book

A step-by-step guide to setting up a digital recording environment capable of computer-based MIDI sequencing, audio recording and editing, sound synthesis and effects processing.
Sound On Sound

Bok (mjuk pärm)

Artikelnr.: 183563

15,99  €inklusive moms, plus frakt
Leveranstid: 3–5 veckor
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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